Community Preservation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Friday, January 13, 2017



January 13, 2017

10:00 AM


Members present: Lee Culver, Ralph Smith, Sean Libby


Also present: Guest


  1. The meeting was called to order at 10:02 AM.


  1. Ralph Smith made a motion to approve the Facilities Committee meeting minutes from the December 9th, 2016 meeting. The motion was seconded by Sean Libby.


  1. Ralph Smith gave the report from the Council on Aging. He gave an update on the activities & events of the COA. He also outlined the February 13th programs (such as the simulcast featuring Dr. Atul on his book “Being Mortal”). The COA has been very busy with their programs.


Lee Culver gave the report from the Recreation Department: He reported that the Commission has not met since November, but that Phase 3 for Brooks Park is in Progress, and that they’re also looking at the next Phase 4, which will include bathrooms and making that request to the CPC.


  1. Old Business

A joint budget meeting is scheduled for March 4th. The current time to present any budgets will be 3PM, and any board members who can attend are encouraged to.

  1. Email Work Orders: The email work orders were put in for cleaning of the gymnasium ducts. There has also been a work order put in for the lights that are out in the Middle School gymnasium (as has been previously requested).


  1. New Business
    1. The Committee met with Life & Harmony who requested that they be allowed to get a for-profit price for a room to hold a free workshop. The Committee on motion by Ralph Smith and seconded by Sean Libby approved the request.
    2. End of Year Report: The End of Year Report was presented to the Committee and will be submitted to be included in the Annual Town Report.
    3. There was a letter from the Sampson Fund for a waiver for the May 20th use of facilities—approved on motion by Ralph Smith and seconded by Sean Libby. Motion passed.
    4. The Chair person asked that a letter be drafted to Mr. Griswald regarding his intent to the Committee to be presented at the next meeting.


  1. Director’s Update
    1. The Committee discussed the Director’s goals and went over each one of the status updates and current progress.


  1. Other
    1. Lights for the outside of the Community Center were discussed. Sean Libby will report back on changing out the light fixtures.


  1. The next Facilities Committee meeting is scheduled for February 10th, 2017 at 10:00 AM.


  1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.