Community Preservation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Approved 1.26.17

Regular Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2017

Harwich Community Preservation Committee Meeting called to order by Chair Bob MacCready at 6:03 PM, on January 12, 2017, in the Harwich Town Hall, Griffin Meeting Room


Present: Chair Bob MacCready, Vice Chair Kathy Green, Daniel Tworek, Walter Diggs, Jim Atkinson, David Nixon, Robert Bradley, and Cindi Maule

Absent: Selectmen Liaison Michael MacAskill

Vacant: Housing Committee representative

Guests:  Bill Galvin, Cape Cod Chronicle, and later Charleen Greenhalgh, Town of Harwich Assistant Town Administrator


  • Guest welcomed.
  • A motion was made by David Nixon and seconded by Dan Tworek to approve the December 1, 2016 CPC Meeting minutes. 

VOTE:  Yes  7;   No  0;  Abstain  1.   Motion approved the minutes with Robert Bradley’s abstaining.

  • A motion was made by Dan Tworek and seconded by Dave Nixon to approve the December 8, 2016 CPC Meeting minutes. 

VOTE:  Yes  6;   No  0;  Abstain  2.   Motion approved the minutes with Robert Bradley and Cindi Maule abstaining.


New Business

Discussion and voting on the prior presented CPA Applications:

#CH 1    Harwich Port Buy-down Program, submitted by the Harwich Housing Committee, Harwich Housing Committee Chairman Art Bodin project manager.  Project amount requested: $100,000.

A motion was made by Cindi Maule and seconded by Dan Tworek to vote for the Harwich Port Buy-down Program.

VOTE:    Yes 3;  Cindi Maule, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                No 5;  Robert Bradley, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Dan Tworek, Jim Atkinson

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


# R 2      Hinckley’s Pond Restoration, submitted by the Town of Harwich, Harwich Town Administrator Chris Clark project manager.  Project amount requested: $500,000.

A motion was made by Walter Diggs and seconded by Jim Atkinson to reject the proposal for spending $500,000 on the Hinckley’s Pond Restoration.

VOTE:    Yes 8;    No 0;     Abstain 0

Motion passed unanimously.


# R 3      Whitehouse Field Irrigation Project, submitted by Harwich Recreation Department and Commission, Harwich Recreation Director Eric Beebe project manager.   Project amount requested: $28,500.

A motion was made by Dave Nixon and seconded by Jim Atkinson to accept and adopt the irrigation project for $28,500 for Whitehouse Field. 

VOTE:    Yes 7;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Dan Tworek, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                No 1;  Robert Bradley

                Abstain 0

Motion passed.


# R 4      Veterans Memorial Field Track Fit Stations, submitted by Harwich Recreation Department and Commission, Harwich Recreation Director Eric Beebe project manager.  Project amount requested: $13,800.

A motion was made by Dave Nixon and seconded by Jim Atkinson to use CPC funds $13,800. for the track fit stations at the (Veterans Memorial Field) Track.

VOTE:    Yes 7;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Dan Tworek, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                No 1;  Robert Bradley

                Abstain 0

Motion passed.


# R 5      Brooks Park Expansion/Improvement Phase 4, submitted by Harwich Recreation Department and Commission, Harwich Recreation Director Eric Beebe project manager.   Project amount requested: $167,900.

A motion was made by Dave Nixon and seconded by Jim Atkinson for the use of CPC funds of $167, 9000.00 to support the Brooks Park Expansion Phase 4.

VOTE:    Yes 7;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Dan Tworek, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                No 1;  Robert Bradley

                Abstain 0

Motion passed.


# R 6      Pleasant Lake Ave. Crossing Lights, submitted by Harwich Bikeways Committee, Robert Cafarelli, PE project manager.   Project amount requested: $24,000.

A motion was made by Dan Tworek and seconded by Dave Nixon that we approve the funding for this project.

VOTE:    Yes 0; 

                No 8;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Dan Tworek, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, Robert Bradley, and David Nixon

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


#HP 7    Historic Restoration of the fence rails in the Evergreen Cemetery, submitted by Harwich Cemetery Department, Harwich Cemetery Commission Director Robbin Kelley project manager.  Project amount requested: $39,000.

A motion was made by Dan Tworek and seconded by Dave Nixon that we approve this application.

VOTE:    Yes 2;  Robert Bradley and  Dan Tworek

                No 6;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


#H 8       West Harwich National Register District Submission, submitted by the Harwich Historic District and Historical Commission, Sally Urbano project manager.  Project amount requested: $15,000.

A motion was made by Dan Tworek and seconded by Robert Bradley that we open this up for further discussion before we vote:

VOTE:    Yes 4;  Kathy Green, Cindi Maule, Robert Bradley, and Dan Tworek

                No 4;  Bob MacCready, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


A motion was made by Dan Tworek and seconded by Robert Bradley that we accept the application.

VOTE:    Yes 2;  Robert Bradley and  Dan Tworek

                No 6;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


#HP 9    Digitization of the Harwich Oracle Newspaper 1986-2007, submitted by Brooks Free Library, Brooks Free Library Reference Librarian Jennifer Pickett project manager.  Project amount requested: $41,250.

No motion was made to support this application.

Fails by lack of a motion.


#HP 10  Albro House: Building Conditions Assessment and Evaluations, submitted by Town of Harwich, Town of Harwich Assistant Town Administrator Charleen Greenhalgh project manager.  Project amount requested: $12,500.

No motion was made to support this application.

Fails by lack of a motion.



#HP 11  Public Records Storage at the Harwich Community Center, creation of a storage facility in the basement of the Harwich Community Center, submitted by Harwich Community Center, Harwich Community Center Director Carolyn Carey project manager.  Project amount requested: $62,000.

No motion was made to support this application.

Fails by lack of a motion.


#HP 12  Records Management – archival town records to be stored in one location, submitted by Harwich Town Clerk Anita Doucette, Harwich Town Clerk Anita Doucette project manager.  Project amount requested: $40,000.

No motion was made to support this application.

Fails by lack of a motion.


#HP 13  To electronically preserve an inventory of the Harwich Historical Society’s artifacts including newly acquired Crowell Barn artifacts, submitted by the Harwich Historical Society, Harwich Historical Society Director Janet Cassidy project manager.  Project amount requested: $3,994.

A motion was made by Kathy Green and seconded by Dan Tworek to accept this project in the amount of $3,994.

VOTE:    Yes 4;  Kathy Green, Bob MacCready, Robert Bradley, and Dan Tworek

                No 4;  Cindi Maule, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                Abstain 0

Motion failed.


# HP 14 Restoration of Chase Library’s chimney and replacement of pan flash, submitted by the Chase Library, Chase Library President Judy Dolaher project manager.   Project amount requested: $5,100.

A motion was made by Dave Nixon and seconded by Walter Diggs to approve.

VOTE:    Yes 7;  Cindi Maule, Bob MacCready, Kathy Green, Robert Bradley, Jim Atkinson, Walter Diggs, and David Nixon

                No 0; 

                Abstain 1 Dan Tworek

Motion passed.


  • Review and vote on additional proposed Warrant Articles:

Chair MacCready read the drafted language for the following two warrant articles.


  1. Reserve for Future Appropriation Amounts from FY17 Community Preservation Fund Estimated Annual Revenues.  The annual standard article to allocate 10% of the annual CPA funds to the required Historic, Housing and Open Space categories.

A motion was made by Kathy Green and seconded by Jim Atkinson to approve.

VOTE:    Yes 8;    No 0;     Abstain 0

Motion passed unanimously.


  1. Fund Land Bank Debt Service.  Not sure what this year’s amount will be, but it is the neighborhood of $625,000.  Chair MacCready read last year’s warrant article.

A motion was made by Kathy Green and seconded by Jim Atkinson to support it.

VOTE:    Yes 8;    No 0;     Abstain 0

Motion passed unanimously.


No administrative article is proposed this year because the accounts show a reminder of $25,000 in admin.


Chair MacCready read the drafted language for the supported applications.  All the drafts will be given to the committee for review.



  • December Payroll for Board Secretary:

A motion was made by Kathy Green and seconded by Dan Tworek to pay Jan Moore for 11 hours.

VOTE:  Yes  8;   No  0;  Abstain  0.   Motion passed unanimously.


  • For February meeting agenda: Discussion and vote on the annual dues for the Community Preservation Coalition.

Chair MacCready can inquire if the Alliance can meet with us.  We would like more information on the ACT’s definitions.

Chair MacCready and Dan Tworek will be out of town for the February meeting.  Vice Chair Kathy Green will conduct the meeting.


Adjournment 7:45 PM.