Harwich Housing Committee Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Monday, January 9, 2017

Harwich Housing Committee Minutes



1.   Quorum: Claudia Williams, Julie Eldredge, Art Bodin, Cindi Maule and Amy Harris

2.   Introduce Guests: Aly Sabatino, Harwich Town Planner

3.   Approve Minutes:  Yes, 12/5/2016 minutes approved with changes.


4.   General Discussion:

A.Discussion around Mission Statement for HHC. One idea presented, along with the Mission stated on the Agenda, was: “The HHC’s goal is to promote and advocate for affordable opportunities in Harwich.”

B.Aly Sabatino spoke to the group on some of the properties that Art Bodin listed under possible properties for Affordable Housing. Art asked her to look into feasibility of the Stone Horse Motel and the Captain’s Hill properties. It seemed possible to do a 40B but the property must be big enough.

a.Stone Horse Motel: 2.6 acres. Structures are salvageable, HAC is looking into for Workforce Housing (with the employer in Hyannis with 25% affordable after it is used for employee housing). One member of HHC is concerned about her conflict of interest (Amy Harris) as she lives in that area so she will be aware of that as ideas are presented to the group. Total number of units depends of the existing units there. 1st unit= 4 units; bungalow: 1-7 units; and 2 other structures could total another 29 units possibly.

b.Captain’s Hill: 1.2 acres and possible 6 units. 

C.Conflict of Interest discussion: all members to complete the training and sign-off on policy. 

D.Comments from the Chair on happenings since last meeting:

a.Pine Oaks: he spoke to Gregory Winston (Chair of the Board of the Mid-Cape Church Group: MCCG). Working towards buying down the mortgage to initiate HUD involvement. Art is going to their board meeting. Art to invite them to our HHC meeting.

b.Barbara Ann Foley: Art spoke with

c.Kathy Green: Art spoke with re: Depot St. building lot with bog. 1 building and lot.

d.Art attended the COA

e.Met with Chris Clark: Willow St. discussion. It was given to Mike Ford (Town Council) but Mike retired. New outside council and Middle School discussion.

f.Stratford Group: Art spoke to and asked if they would do a 40 unit project at the Middle School. They said no.  They would need 56 units for it to be viable for them.

g.Art attended the Real Estate Open Space Committee (REOS) mtg.

E.2017 Goals for HHC:

a.Possible goals were presented but given that it was 5:30, Claudia Williams made a motion to table until the next meeting.  It was seconded by Julie Eldredge and it was agreed. 

b.It was discussed that we need to work with all entities towards Affordable Housing including the COA.

F.Next meeting will focus on the 2017 HHC Goals discussion.

G.Harwich Port Plaza proposal: a proposal for a Buy-Down option on one of the 2-bedroom units being proposed. A total of 6 retail units/5= 2 bedroom units in a building up front and parking in the back. Proposal to CPC for $100K approved unanimously by HHC.

a.Wasn’t voted on in the last CPC meeting so will not be an article for the Town Meeting.




HHC Potentials List:

a.Harwich Middle School

b.Former Stone Horse Motel: John Stewart to contact, HAC is also looking at, Outer Cape doesn’t want it anymore.

c.Albro House: 2 apartments possibly, town wants to sell. $350K to remove the building.

d.West Harwich School

e.Captain’s Hill motel property: Art and John walked the property and have site plans.

f.Depot Rd. property: identified in the Housing Production plan.  Art met with Kathy Green (Open Space). They will continue to ID property in tax default.

g.Harwich Port : School House Rd. property- Owner contacted the town and given it 1st option

h.Drum Rd. and Rt. 124 (single lot where the fire was- ½ acre, Habitat?)


Meeting dates for 2017: 1/9, 2/6, 3/6, 4/3, 5/1, 6/5, 7/10, 8/7, 9/11, 10/2, 11/6, and 12/4 at 4:30.


Adjournment: 5:40pm

Posting officer:  Claudia D. Williams HHC