Harwich Housing Committee Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Monday, November 7, 2016

Harwich Housing Committee notes


Meeting called to order at 4:37pm

Members:  Art Bodin, Cindi Maule, Julie Eldredge and Amy Harris

Guests:  John Stewart, HHA; Bob McCreedy, HAC; Kathy Green, CPC and Real Estate & Open Space Committee; Ralph Smith, Harwich COA


Reviewed and approved the minutes from 10/3/2016. Cindi motioned to approved and Julie second the motion.


Art asked if anyone had been able to find out about the missing Map of Harwich that shows the Affordable Housing units within the Town. Art said last he heard it was in the attic at Albro House. Julie offered to reach out to Sheila House and ask if she may know the whereabouts of the Map. Julie will let Art know as soon as hears from Sheila.


Art reviewed and provided information on the Activities Tracking list. Art would like to keep some completed items on the list through the end of the year.


Kathy Green asked what the difference is between the HHA, HHC and HAC and is there any overlap. John Stewart explained HHA’s role, Art and Cindi explained HHC’s role and Bob McCreedy explained HAC’s role. It was very educational to hear what everyone had to say and we agreed that all three entities do overlap.


Bob McCreedy explained the function of CPC and his role at CPC and HAC.


Kathy Green gave us insight into what the Real Estate & Open Space committee does. She let us know that they look at “owners unknown” properties and at times are approached by residents about donating property to the Town or how can property be giving or sold to the Town. She told us about 0 Depot Road, North Harwich and Lynne Road (off Dundee Circle – Depot Street, East Harwich). I think these are properties for affordable housing


It was asked if we could add to the Harwich Housing Production Plan to include reaching out to the Real Estate & Open Space committee. This would be a good thing and the more we can work together with other committee’s would help our goal of affordable housing.


Ralph Smith spoke about his role at COA and what their purpose is. Ralph is their chairperson and asked how we felt about the Harwich Middle School. We all responded that we wanted to see Affordable Housing and he was glad to hear that. He also explained what the COA does and they also try to help citizens find affordable housing and he realizes housing is also an issue with our senior citizens. Ralph showed interest to attending our meetings going forward.  Ralph shared with us his meeting with the BOS Chairman and how the COA would also like to see affordable housing at the Middle School. The BOS Chairman told him to provide some suggestions and that is one reason Ralph came to our meeting.


Next meeting is December 3rd at 4:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 5:36pm