Draft Harwich Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Town of Harwich and the Cape Cod Commission have worked together to update the Harwich Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan looks at the vulnerabilities in the town and outlines actions Harwich can take to help protect critical facilities and residents from natural hazards.

An approved hazard mitigation plan also makes the Harwich eligible for state and federal pre- and post-disaster funding. The Planning Team has completed a draft of the Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Following approval from the Board of Selectmen, the draft plan will be submitted to the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency for review.

Public comment on the draft plan is open through August 17, 2017.

You can view the draft plan by clicking HERE

Comments can be forwarded to mhevenor@capecodcommission.org, or mailed to:


Cape Cod Commission
ATTN: Harwich Hazard Mitigation Plan
P.O. Box 226
Barnstable, MA 02630