Planning Board Legal Notice 09/11/2018

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Tuesday, September 11, 2018 - 6:30pm




The Harwich Planning Board will hold a public hearing beginning no earlier than 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 in the Griffin Room, 732 Main St., Harwich, MA to consider the following application(s). Any member of the public having an interest in this application is invited to attend and provide comment or may submit comments in writing.


PB2018-32 Ty Cronin & John Doherty, as applicants, c/o William Crowell, Esq., Drive O Rama, Inc., as owner. The application, with waivers, seeks approval for a Mixed Use Special Permit via construction of a 3 bay garage/storage with apartment above and Site Plan Review Special Permit pursuant to the Code of the Town Harwich §§325-7.C, -51.M and -55 and Article V Use Regulations. The property location is at 211 Route 28, Map 11, Parcel X2-B in the C-H-1 and R-H-1 (a de minimis portion) Zoning Districts.

PB2018-33 Heirs of Mark Nickerson, et al, and Robbins Family Trust, as owners, c/o East-Southeast, LLC, seeks approval, with waivers, of a 5 lot Cluster Definitive Subdivision plan, pursuant to the Code of the Town of Harwich §400, Article II and MGL c.41, §81K-GG and Special Permits pursuant §325-51(E) - Open Space Residential Development; §325-18(P) - Panhandle Lots; and, §325-18(Q) - Alternative Access, this is shown on a plan entitled “Definition Subdivision Plan” Heirs of Mark Nickerson, Et Al, dated 07-17-2018, Sheets 1 - 7, prepared by East-Southeast, LLC. The property is located at the end of Periwinkle Way (aka 0 Chatham Road) Map 34, Parcel N7 and N10 in the R-R zoning district.

All documents related to the above case(s) are on file with the Planning Department and the Town Clerk, 732 Main Street and may be viewed during regular department business hours.


In accordance with state law, this legal notice will also be available electronically at ‘’  The City/Town is not responsible for any errors in the electronic posting of this legal notice.


James Joyce, Chairman

Cape Cod Chronicle Print Dates: August 23 & 30, 2018