Real Estate and Open Space Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Friday, September 16, 2016


Harwich Real Estate and Open Space (REOS) Committee

Town Hall

September 16, 2016


Members Present: Kathy Green (chair), Bob Thomas, John Preston, Elaine Shovlin and. Marcia Thorngate–Smith

Guests: Jim Cheverie, Liz Dubuque, and Ann Howe

Approval of Minutes: The Committee voted to approve the minutes of August 19 2016 meeting.

Hawksnest Property

 Ann Howe addressed the Committee about her efforts to preserve Open Space, protect birds and animals that are under concern, and bring addition financial resources to the Cape to help Conservation efforts.  Her focus is on protecting more of the Six Ponds area.

She told us about the Great Thicket Bill (HR 5650) that is under consideration in Congress and the Recovery America Wildlife Act.  Both of these acts could make programs and funds available for Cape conservation efforts.   She cited many other sources of research and organizations that she found in her research.  She is willing to serve as a conduit for information.  She would like to see someone invite speakers here to share their information with the town to educate the town more. 

Kathy reviewed her presentation to BOS regarding our recommendation for the Hawksnest property.  She also reported that the sale of the property on Central Avenue will have to go for approval at Town Meeting.

Next Meeting: October 21, 2016 at 8:30am

Respectfully submitted

John Preston, REOS Clerk