Station #2 Rehabilitation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I.                    CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 1430 hours

II.                  ROLL CALL:

A.                 Committee Members: Present: Craig Chadwick, Richard Waystack, Joe Rego, Scott Tyldesley, John Clarke,  Sean Libby

B.                  Committee Members Absent: Joe McParland

C.                  Ad Hoc Members Present:  ATA Charleen Greenhalgh, Chief Norm Clarke,  Deputy Chief LeBlanc

III.                CONSENT AGENDA

A.                 MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF 11/15/2016 MEETING. Made by Waystack, 2nd John Clarke, Vote – Unanimous


A.                 Chadwick provided a DRAFT floorplan to identify space requirements

V.                  OLD BUSINESS

A.                 Review and Adjust Space Needs Analysis by adding 4 feet to apparatus bay, add basement to East Wing

B.                  Lay out draft of floorplan to forward to Consultant Gary Barber for elevations by next scheduled meeting, 12/20/16.

C.                  Discussion of full vetting by consultant of reasoning of cost and space for lack of second floor expansion

D.                 Begin Discussion on Citizen Education Communication Plan.

1.                  Fully discuss at next meeting, scheduled for 12/20/16

2.                  Schedule meeting with Board of Selectmen, 1/17/17

3.                  Establish elevator speech as part of communication plan to be used by all committee members for needs and process.

VI.                NEW BUSINESS

A.                 Next Meeting; December 20, 2017, 2:30 PM, Harwich Fire Headquarters

VII.              ADJOURNMENT

MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING AT 4:40 PM.  Made by Rego, 2nd by Waystack. Vote - Unanimous. 


Respectfully Submitted:


Fire Station #2 Rehab Committee