Traffic Safety Committee

Event Date: 
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 10:00am


Traffic Safety Committee

Harwich Police Department -183 Sisson Road   First Floor Conference Room

Regular Meeting 10:00 am

September 18, 2019


*Anyone in the audience who plans to video and/or audio tape this meeting must notify the Chair prior to the start of the meeting.


1. Call to Order.  Welcome to visitors


2. Approval of minutes of:   June 19, 2019


3. Correspondence:      


4. Old Business

              Updates, status, next steps

  1. Intersection at Chatham Road and Route 39 -engineering update
  2. Intersection of Pleasant/Miles/South streets- status update
  3. Intersection of Route 39 and Pleasant Bay Road
  4.  follow up on intersection of Neel Road and Route 28, line of sight
  5.  process re inclusion on Capital Plan


5. New Business

              a. Review draft on policy on Traffic Calming -possible vote

              b. sight lines at Route 28 and Freeman streets

              c. responding to speed and road condition complaints

              d. Bikeways Committee- possible vote to endorse additional crossing lights

              e. discussion on letter to BOS/TA regarding the traffic concerns at exits 10 and 11

                   on route 6    

              f. any other business that may come before the Committee


6. Next Meeting Date     to be determined




Authorized Posting Officer      Linda Cebula, Clerk


Date Posted    September 2, 2019




*Per the Attorney General’s office, the Committee may hold an open session for topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting following” New Business”. If you are deaf or hard of hearing or a person with a disability who requires accommodation contact the office of the Board of Selectmen at 508-430-7513.