Harwich Recycling Center Reopens April 6


In an effort to provide recycling services to our residents and follow COVID-19 directives (social distancing), we have developed a plan to temporarily transition to Single Stream Recycling where all recycling can be placed in one container. This will allow residents to quickly deposit all of their recycling in one location, making the act of recycling no different than the act of disposing of household trash or debris. There will be signage directing people to deposit all of their recycling materials (glass, plastic, cardboard, newspaper, junk mail and magazines) into the rolloff container staged in the cardboard recycling area. 

The Recycling Area will be configured in a manner that helps maintain social distancing practices and there will be staff available to answer questions residents may have.  

This temporary transition to Single Stream recycling is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in an attempt to make recycling as safe and quick as possible.  Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, the Town will be returning to a source separated recycling process that maximizes the return on these commodities.