US Census 2020 – Mobile Questionnaire Assistance Event!


There is still time to complete the 2020 US Census! You can complete the Census online (, by phone (844-330-2020), by mail, or in person.

To respond in person, come by your local Mobile Questionnaire Assistance event scheduled for Wednesday, September 16th, from 1-4 PM at the Harwich Council on Aging! Census workers will be available to answer your census questions and to submit your 2020 response right then and there. The census workers will be set up in a pop up tent on the COA side of the Community Center parking lot (100 Oak Street, left side entrance when facing the building). Masks/face coverings are required and social distancing will be maintained.

This is an appointment-based service – call the COA at 508-430-7550 to schedule yours!

The 2020 Census will determine the distribution of more than $675 billion each year for the next 10 years – do your part to make sure Harwich gets the full funding we deserve!