Planning Board Legal Notice 08/22/2017

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017 - 6:30pm




The Harwich Planning Board will hold a public hearing beginning no earlier than 6:30 PM on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 in the Griffin Room, 732 Main St., Harwich, MA to consider the following application(s). Any member of the public having an interest in this application is invited to attend and provide comment or may submit comments in writing.


PB2017-20 Karen Jennings-Flynn, Manager for Golden Years Deerfield Rd. LLC, as owner, Alan Mesquita, dba Alan’s Landscaping, as applicant, c/o Rick Hamlin, as representative seeks approval of a Site Plan Review Special Permit with waivers (relative to driveway access and parking) for new construction. The property is located at 6 Deerfield Road, Map 55, Parcel T1-8, in the I‑L Zoning District.  The application is pursuant to the Code of the Town Harwich §§325-55, and -18.P as set forth in M.G.L c. 40A §9. 


PB2017-21 Brian T. Stevens, as owner, Jay Horowitz, A.I.A., as representative, seeks approval of a Use Special Permit for a detached Accessory Apartment. Via demolition of the existing shed, the proposal seeks to construct a single story, one bedroom residential unit.  The property is located at 12 Olde Homestead Way, Map 112, Parcel A4-10, in the R‑R and W-R Zoning Districts.  The application is pursuant to the Code of the Town Harwich §325-51.H and Article V as set forth in M.G.L c. 40A §9.


All documents related to the above case(s) are on file with the Planning Department and the Town Clerk located at 732 Main Street and may be viewed during regular department business hours.


Lawrence E. Brophy, Chairman


Cape Cod Chronicle Print Dates: August 3 and 10, 2017