Planning Board Meeting 05/23/2017

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 6:30pm

Harwich Planning Board Agenda

Town Hall, Griffin Room

732 Main Street, Harwich

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 6:30 PM

Requests for accommodations for any person having a disability can be made by contacting the Administration Office at 508.430.7514.


Call to order

Recording & Taping Notification: As required by law, the Town may audio or video record this meeting.  Any person intending to either audio or video record this open session is required to inform the chair.


Public Hearing

  1. Hearings
  1. PB2017-13 525 Camelot LLC, owner/applicant, c/o James Stinson, Esq., of property located at 557-563 Route 28, Map 14 parcel V9, seeks approval to modify the Use and Site Plan Review Special Permits granted by the Planning Board on October 25, 2016 in the C-V, R-H-1 and Village Commercial Overlay (VCOD) Districts. The proposal seeks to modify and reconfigure the multi-unit, mixed use structure without a change to the footprint and make certain minor appurtenant changes to the curbing and sidewalks.  The request is pursuant to the Code of the Town of Harwich 325-51, -09, -51.M and -55 for Site Plan review Special Permit and Use Special Permit; Mixed-Use and Village Commercial Overlay District as set forth in MGL c.40 9.
  2. PB2017-14 Paul and Michelle Vasil, as owners, c/o William D. Crowell, Esq., representative, seeks approval of a Use Special Permit for an Accessory structure with Bedrooms pursuant to the Code of the Town Harwich 325-13, 325 Attachment 1, Paragraph I, Line 1.b. and §325-51 as set forth in M.G.L c. 40A §9. The proposal seeks to construct a detached 2-story structure consisting of an all-purpose room and three (3) bedroom. The property is located at 19 School House Road, Map 14, Parcel T7A, in the R-M Zoning District.
  3. PB2017-15 Robert Fratus, applicant - Determination of Adequate Access/Improvements to a Town Way. Mr. Fratus seeks approval of a plan for improvements to Seth Whitefield Road (Hawksnest Road), a Town way, including widening, grading and gravel of the stretch between Round Cove Road and Queen Anne Road pursuant to the Planning Board’s Rules and Regulations 400-9.C.


Public Meeting


  1.       New Business*

a.  Advisory Opinions for Board of Appeals May 31, 2017

  1. Old Business

          a.  Salt Block Food Truck proposal - 557 Route 28 (525 Camelot LLC, owner)


  1.       Briefings and Reports by Board Members





*Per the Attorney General’s Office: Boards/Commissions may hold an open session for topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting following “New Business”.


Subject to Change / Next Planning Board Meeting – Tuesday, June 13, 2017


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