Trails Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 16, 2015



Town of Harwich Trails Committee Minutes


July 16, 2015


Present: Matt. Cushing, John Follas, Bruce Nightingale, Ron Saulnier, Wayne Stone, Dave


Callahan, Chet Berg, Amy Usowski (ex officio)


Absent: Allan Petersen. G. Schumann (excused),


The meeting convened in the Town Hall library at 3:45,


The first order of business was a report by Dave Callahan on the progress of the kiosk that the


Newcomers’ carpentry group is going to build for us, assuming that we still have funds available,


which the chair is trying to check on with the treasurer. They have a pretty good idea of what


they are going to build and want to sink two 4 x 6 posts at the appropriate spot at Teixeira and


build the kiosk around them.


Fortunately, the CPC has reminded us that a fund was formed to improve trails due to a town


meeting warrant and that the funds have not been yet expended. The warrant number was


609029, ATMO9, #29, and the funds allotted were $1699. If those funds are still available, we


can expend them on this good project.


The second order of business was to decide on stewardship for the various trails that are under


our jurisdiction, and there was quick agreement among the participants on who would be


responsible for which parcel. Wayne Stone continues his meticulous supervision of the Bell's


Neck parcel and had a suggestion about dealing with complaints and transgressions (see below),


Bruce Nightingale will be happy to monitor the Teixeira parcel,the Chair will take the Island


Pond territory, John Follas will monitor Sand Pond, Gerie Schumann, as far as we know, will


continue to watch Thompson’s Field, and Ron Saulnier will keep an eye on his part of The Bell's


Neck area along with Wayne.


Wayne said that he was unsure of the hierarchy of reporting questions, problems, and


suggestions from this committee. Amy said that her committee was de facto in charge of


handling questions and problems, and the Chair mentioned that the Board Of Selectmen Is


supposed to send us a representative, which they have not done for at least a year. Amy said that


if we had a formal vote in committee for a specific suggestion, it would get more attention from


the Conservation Commission


The committee agrees that it would be ideal if every trail site had at least one trash barrel, but we


are not quite sure how to implement this or who would be responsible for emptying them. Wayne


has provided trash barrels at Bell's Neck at his own expense.


The discussion turned to care and maintenance of the area around the Herring Run at Bell's


Neck. This was brought about by the observation that the lessee of the cranberry bogs in that


area, Craig Williams, was not taking care of them or actually raising cranberries. Ron says that


he has moved a lot of the cultivation equipment away from the bogs. The question is: should we


now recommend that the bogs be turned into wetlands instead? This was not put to a formal vote,




A camper was observed At Bell's Neck but he quickly moved away, perhaps because the police


had been informed by Amy, and the Chair learned that no camping is allowed on any town


properties other than campgrounds.


Wayne then moved and Bruce seconded that the dollar amount for fines concerning vandalism,


littering, and other transgressions at trail sites be changed to correspond in amount to fines for


similar transgressions on beaches and parks. He also moved that signs be changed showing the


new amounts, if approved by the Conservation Commission. After discussion, the vote was


unanimously in favor. the Chair will request that the Conservation Commission consider and


respond to the vote.


The meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Matt Cushing, chair