Bikeways Committee Meeting 05/16/2018

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Attendees: Fran Salewski, Andrew Docken, Paul Gazaille and Steve Wardle


Approved May 16th meeting minutes


- Eric installed 48 all new bench boards at the rotary, thank you Eric


- Sinenage, Steve said their signs are about 1 foot x 18 inches, he will email Shanna ho was measuring the signs in Harwich


- Steve presented his latest version of a trifold map, we discussed changes, Like specific roads to beaches and color coded roads. Steve to keep working on the map.


- Facebook naming, TBD next meeting


- Mile markers in Chatham, John said Americore Cape would be willing to help paint. John will get the stencils from Chatham DPW and get the mile markers painted


- 20th anniversary bike ride bottle giveaway, asked Cape Air and Agway for donations


- Rt 124 at general store crossing lights RFP has started


- Next meeting July 18th