Council on Aging Meeting

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Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 2, 2016





MARCH 2, 2016




The meeting was called to order by Chair Adrienne Johnson at 9:35.


Attendance: Adrienne Johnson, Joe Johnson, Ralph Smith, Lee Culver, Richard Waystack, Jim Mangan

& Barbara-Anne Foley

Absent: Mike Smith


Minutes: Lee Culver moved to accept minutes as written, Rich Waystack seconded.


Treasurer’s Report: reviewed and discussed


Director’s Report: Barbara-Anne Foley reported on the budget meeting with Mr. Clark, BOS and the

Fin Comm. Adrienne Johnson, Joe Johnson, Ralph Smith and Richard Waystack attended also. There were no problems with the budget. The funds for the Adult Day Care program and the per diem cook were approved.


A discussion was held regarding the damage at the Community Center from a broken pipe over the weekend. Programs were rearranged and rooms were changed. Carolyn Carey arranged for members of the weight room to use the room at the high school. The Senior Dining program had to arrange to receive meals from Maplewood Senior Living since the kitchen was out of commission.  Rich Waystack suggested that Barbara-Anne Foley create a policy for the Board to sign to be used when these circumstances arise. A list of facilities approved by the BOH for use will be on file. The Board voted to approve. Lee Culver suggested to invite Paula Champagne to the April meeting. The Board approved. Barbara-Anne Foley will advertise for more per diem cooks.


Barbara-Anne Foley gave praise to Gale Crowell and Kevin Grunwald for the quick response and the team work when an accident occurred at the entrance to the Community Center involving a senior and others.


Barbara-Anne Foley reported that the Government food program (once every other month) and the brown bag program (every month.) were cancelled due to a storm. The COA gave S&S and Shaws gift cards purchased by the FCOA.


Richard Waystack moved to adjourn and Lee Culver seconded at 10:05


The next meeting will be held in Room #5 at the Community Center at 9:30 on April 6, 2016