Harwich Cultural Council Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 7, 2016



Meeting Minutes- April 7, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 4:35 by Tina Games, co-chairperson.


Members present- Lorraine Bossi, Debbie Ferry, Sharon Mitchell, Lynne Lavieri, Tina Games, and Florence Lofberg.


Secretary’s Report- The minutes of the February 11, 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved.  Lorraine Bossi motioned to accept and Florence Lofberg seconded.


Financial Report- The February 11, 2016 financial report will be reviewed at the May 12, 2016 meeting.


Fundraising update- We are hoping to have a good response to our National Parks trip in September.  Tina Games has sent out publicity notices to local newspapers and we have distributed flyers.  We have also notified people who have traveled in the past with HCC sponsored trips. Tina Games plans to be interviewed on channel 18 regarding the trip.


New fundraising opportunities- Tina Games is going to invite Bernadette Waystack to our May meeting to discuss the HCC partnering with Middle and High School students.  A possible theme would be birdhouse creations that could become a fundraising opportunity.


Council’s support for cultural center in Harwich- Marna Bate is forming a business plan for a cultural center in Harwich.  She would like to present her ideas at one of our meetings in the future.  The HCC would welcome her ideas.

Meeting adjourned: 5:40 PM



Respectfully submitted,



Lynne Lavieri



New fundraising opportunities-