Harwich Cultural Council Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 18, 2016


Meeting Minutes - August 18, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Chairperson Tina Games


Members present: Tina Games, Debbie Ferry, Joan Sacchetti, and Lorraine Bossi.


Special guests: Rose Ann Clarke (former council member), Jennifer Atwood (Massachusetts Cultural Council)


Welcome: A brief introduction was made to welcome our guests and Rose Ann Clarke shared a story about how valuable the grant program is to our community.


Secretary’s Report: The minutes from the June 16, 2016 meeting were tabled until the September meeting, due to difficulty accessing them via the format in which they were shared with the committee by the former secretary.


Financial Report: The current financial report was reviewed and approved.  Debbie Ferry motioned to accept and Larraine Bossi seconded. Treasurer Joan Sacchetti also shared that she will be meeting with the town accountant to review and complete the 2016 grants information form.


Fundraising: The National Parks trip will have 22 participants.  The council will make $4676.49 and will be used to supplement the 2017 grants program.  The council agreed that this was an easy and profitable fundraiser. Chairperson Tina Games noted that former council member Lynn Schweinshaut has agreed to manage next year’s fundraising efforts as a volunteer.


Old Business: Chairperson Tina Games made a motion to postpone the joint project with Monomoy Regional High School, noting our lack of volunteers. Debbie Ferry seconded the motion and the council agreed to review the opportunity in the spring.


New Business: The council discussed new member recruitment efforts after Chairperson Tina Games confirmed that we have three current vacancies. There was also a discussion about the new online grant application process - with Treasurer Joan Sacchetti and Chairperson Tina Games sharing their experiences with the training webinar that was held on August 17, 2016.


Council Training: Jennifer Atwood from the Massachusetts Cultural Council led a group training that included the state council’s revised guidelines and updates regarding the grant application process.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Debbie Ferry, Secretary