Historic District And Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

 Harwich District & Harwich Historical Commission Agenda

Town Hall Griffin Room

Wednesday, March 16, 2015 5:30 PM







  1. Public Hearing-Call to Order 5:40 Greg Winston


  1. Continued case: HH 2016-01 Notice of Intent (NOI); to Demolish a structure(s) over 100 years old has been received for property located at 19 Park Place, Map 6B, Parcel L55, in the RH-2 Zone pursuant to the Code of the Town of Harwich §131-8.  The Applicant proposes 100% demolition of a c1900 two-story single family home. William Eldridge, Owner and applicant.


Attorney William Crowell presented the case along with the owners, William and Christine Eldridge and their builder, Dale Nikula of Encore Construction. Attorney Crowell argued that the house which although built circa 1900 has been added to and re-styled throughout the years to be something quite different than what was originally built. Some have referred to it as an “eclectic” style. It has painted clapboard and shingles, diamond grille windows from the 60’s and a chalet-style overhang. There is a minimal foundation and a beam across the 1st  floor ceiling which is inadequate to support the weight of the 2nd floor. There are serious structural deficiencies in the house. The Board of Health has approved a septic upgrade and the Zoning Board of Appeals has granted a Special Permit to raze and reconstruct a new home in the style of the many of the original cottages of the Ocean Grove area. The structure as it currently stands does not possess any particular architectural style other than “piece-meal” and the materials are not of historic quality. It is not listed either on the Massachusetts or National Historic Registers and there is no association with any historic characters or events. It is quirky and unorthodox but not historically significant. Attorney Crowell continued that if the Commission was thinking about imposing the 1 year demolition delay in hopes that someone might buy it and move it to another location, the builder believes that the structure would either collapse due to the structural lack of integrity or it would need to be deconstructed and carried away in pieces to fit down the small Campground streets. It would be costlier for the owners to rehab the building into a structurally sound home than it would be to demolish and rebuild a new house. He asked that the Commission make a determination that the 1 year demolition delay was not applicable for this particular house.


                  Greg Winston clarified the Commission’s jurisdiction for properties over 100 years old.


                  Jeanne Steiner agreed that the building is an eclectic ‘Piece-meal” style and that it looks like a lot of “stuff” had been added throughout the years but wondered if some of that could be undone. She thought the house had “charm”.


                  Greg Winston Stated that he believed that the Town wanted the Commission to consider the potential to protect the Ocean Grove area as a historic zone and thinks that the Zoning Board of Appeals does not consider the historic significance of properties when it hands out its relief. The Historic Commission then needs to deal with that.


                  Attorney Crowell answered that if the Commission were so inclined to vote to impose the 1 year delay based on the potential implementation of a historic zone for the Ocean Grove area, it would not be following the current By-law. There would be no increase in footprint with a new building which would be built to look similar to the current dwelling. Pat Scarnici said that she had looked into the windows and seen some interior work being done. Mr. Eldridge said that the builder had removed some portions of the sheetrock to determine what structural problems lay beneath.


                  Bob Bradley stated that it is the Historic Commission’s job to protect historic properties. Even though this particular property had been “bastardized” and that the elevations are “horrible”, he believed that it should be dealt with in a “more precise manner”. He favored the imposition of the 1 year delay so that the owners might come up with a cost comparison between demolition and renovation and present options to the Commission.


Bob Doane thought the eclectic style was appropriate for the Campground area.


Greg Winston delineated what he believed were the 2 options available. Either the Commission could invoke the 1 year demolition delay or time could be given to the owners to return with a renovation plan.


Attorney Crowell conferred with his clients and returned looking for clarification as to what the Commission would want if they were to return with alternate plans. Would an attempt to re-create the current roof line be acceptable?


Greg Winston clarified that the Commission has no power to demand any building style nor does it have any jurisdiction over any interior work. Its only job is to determine if a property is historically significant and then whether to impose a 1 year delay on demolition in order to give homeowners time to re-think their options. He did refer Attorney Crowell to a case that had come before the Commission regarding the Wychmere Harbor “Snow Cottage” where the Commission worked cooperatively with the architects to try to maintain the iconic tower that can be seen upon entering the harbor.


Attorney Crowell stated that the Eldridges and their builder had worked extensively on the finances and determined that the difference in cost between a simple demo and rebuild or a renovation would be an increase of $40,000 to $100,000 to renovate. He still was having trouble understanding what the Commission felt it was gaining by imposing the delay in that the building was structurally unsound and would require a removal in pieces to move to another location. Mr. Eldridge stated that he and his wife had lived next door to the house in question for 7 years and think the condition is “appalling”. They want to replace it with something like the original house.


Lindsay Hale who is an Ocean Grove resident said that she and her neighbors think the house is an eye sore and in disrepair. She said that if the Commission imposes a 1 year demo delay, she can’t imagine when they would ever allow owners to demo and rebuild.


Lou Urbano spoke and asked the Commission if they invoke the 1 year delay, would it be possible for them to revoke that if the owners returned in 30 days with different plans.


Bob Doane then moved and Pat Scarnici seconded to have the Commission invoke the 1 year demolition delay for the property at 19 Park Place, Map 6B, Parcel L55 after a determination that the building is historically significant pursuant to §131-11 of the Code of the Town of Harwich. Voting in favor of the Motion for demolition delay were Pat Scarnici, Bob B=Doane, Jeanne Steiner and Bob Bradley. Greg Winston abstained. VOTE 4-0-1




  1. Continued case: HH 2016-02  Notice of Intent (NOI);  to Demolish a structure(s) over 100 years old has  been received for  1004 Route 28, Map 35, Parcel B1  in the CH-1 Zone. The applicant proposes to demolish the barn only. The property is listed on the Harwich Property Inventory list and on Massachusetts Historical Commission Survey website (MACRIS HRW.136) The home is described c. 1835 as an excellent example of Greek Revival architecture minimally setback from the street.  Mapping and records dating back to 1858 show that the house was owned by G.H. Tripp and in 1910 by the road commissioner, Ebenezer Weeks.  Janine and Kenneth DeStefano, owners and applicants.


Presenting the case were the owners, Janine and Ken DeStefano who spoke of the level of disrepair in the barn structure and that the couple wants to replace it with a dwelling that will look significantly like the mixed use building on the property. The barn is not on the historic list, just the house.


After Bob Bradley asked to see plans of the proposed dwelling, Janine showed the current plans noting that the footprint will be smaller than that of the barn making it conforming. Jeanne Steiner thought that the barn was beautiful but agreed that there were serious structural problems that she saw when she visited.


There was no public discussion.


Jeanne Steiner moved and Bob Bradley seconded that because the Commission did not find any historic significance to the barn and because it did not affect the street-scape, that the Commission would not invoke the 1 year demolition delay. Voting in favor were Jeanne Steiner, Bob Bradley, Bob Doane and Pat Scarnici. Greg Winston abstained. VOTE 4-0-1



  1. Continued: Town-wide Historic Inventory Update - Relative to Article 50 (2006) - Update Town Historic Property Inventory and the Code of the Town of Harwich Chapter 131 - Historic Preservation, Article II – Historically Significant Buildings. The Commission will confirm and adopt the compilation of an updated inventory register of historically significant buildings/parcels maintained by the Historic District and Historical Commission.  The 100 year list was prepared by Dupuy Preservation Consulting, dated December 2015.


Because Mirande DeWitt was absent and had more information regarding the Historic Inventory, the Commission requested that the vote be delayed until the next hearing on April 20, 2016.


  1. Reports and Briefings


  1. Old Business
  1.          Demolition Delay Legal Opinion: The Town Planner. Dave Spitz said that the language was somewhat confusing in the legal opinion sent by the Town’s attorney regarding the 1 year demolition delay. However, he understood it to say that the delay stays with the property rather than with the owner. Greg Winston suggested that further research be done to see how other towns handled the demolition delay. Dave Spitz agreed.


  1.          Brooks Library:  Updates and Next Steps


Jeanne Steiner updated the Commission on the Library’s search for an architect for its upcoming project. A letter has gone out and one should be chosen sometime in April.


  1.          The Commission Voted to accept and  approve without changes the meeting minutes from July 1, July 15, August 5, November 18, and December 16, 2015; January 20, 2016. Motion was made by Bob Bradley and seconded by Jeanne Steiner. The Commission voted unanimously to accept all.


  1. New Business*      NONE


  1. Adjournment         Bob Doane moved and Jeanne Steiner seconded to adjourn the hearing at 7:05 P.M.                         Unanimous approval. 5-0-0




Submitted by Shelagh Delaney                               3/21/16


Adopted: June 15, 2016