Public Informational Meeting on Muddy Creek Restoration Bridge

Media Advisory:
Public Informational Meeting on Muddy Creek Restoration Bridge

March 20, 2015

For More Information Contact:
Robert Duncanson, Ph.D. Christopher Clark
Director, Natural Resources Dept. Town Administrator

Town of Chatham 

Town of Harwich

For Immediate Release (Chatham, MA) - The Towns of Chatham and Harwich are
hosting a public informational meeting to present design plans for the Muddy Creek Restoration
Bridge. The project is currently undergoing review by the Massachusetts Department of
Transportation (MassDOT) and local, state and federal environmental permitting agencies.

The presentation will review the restoration benefits associated with the project,
including significantly improved water quality in Muddy Creek, restoration of 55 acres of salt
marsh and other wetland resources, and enhanced wildlife and fisheries habitat. The presentation
on bridge design also will touch on traffic management during construction, and the anticipated
project timeline.

Muddy Creek is a tidal river within the Pleasant Bay Area of Critical Environmental
Concern. The restoration bridge project is the culmination of more than a decade of study
undertaken by the Towns, Pleasant Bay Alliance, Massachusetts Division of Ecological
Restoration (MassDER), and Cape Cod Conservation District. Funding for the project is being
provided by the Towns, MassDER, the US Department of the Interior through the Disaster Relief
Appropriations Act (Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Funding) and the US Fish & Wildlife Service
Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program.
Who: Hosted by the Towns of Harwich and Chatham
Presentation by Town officials and design engineer, CDR Maguire

What: Brief presentation of design plans and review of restoration benefits. Design plans
will be on display. Local officials and members of the project design team will be
on hand to answer questions.

When: 7 p.m., Thursday, April 2, 2015

Where: Chatham Town Hall Annex (large meeting room)
261 George Ryder Road
Chatham, MA 02633