Historic District And Historical Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meeting Minutes for PUBLIC HEARING

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Small Meeting Room, Harwich Town Hall



CALL TO ORDER:  6:07 PM by Gayle Carroll

Members present:  Gregory Winston, Bob Bradley, Gayle Carroll, Jeanne Steiner, Mirande DeWitt, Eileen Brady, Barbara Dowd, Patricia Scarnici, and Marie Carlson, Recording Secretary

Absent:  Robert Doane, Wendy Woods-Hartwell


Old Business:   Short discussion on contacting Janell Brown as liaison for selectman to introduce board members and mission.  Gregory Winston states the Board should contact her prior to annual meeting.  When the best times to meet with Fire/Police and department heads to discuss how they can work together with HDHC.  A suggestion that a sub-committee might help.


Brief discussion on the Historic guidelines and how to get advise on updating them.   Question of where the original was, and it was pointed out the guidelines were sent out electronically to all members.   Looking at other towns may be a way to find guidance. 


Gregg Winston:  Thank you to Lou Urbano and all his efforts and time donated, as the public is taking more notice of the Albro House and the charge of the Commission. 


Gayle Carroll:   Suggests a letter be sent to all department heads and liaisons’ inviting them to a future meetings introducing the members and calling out the task of the Commission.


Discussion by board members on what changes could be made to applications to reveal more in-depth information, and clear representation of what the applicant is asking for.  Looking for a more detailed, complete application with appropriate information aiding with the decision process.


Jeanne Steiner: perhaps we can look the Christopher Skelly for that information.


Short discussion on Demo-Delay Law.  Jeanne Steiner offers she has talked to the Town of Concord in regard to their Demo-Delay Law and it is less restrictive.  Suggestions made to look at other towns in regard to how they regulate.  Eileen Brady agrees to do the research for comparisons.


Discussion on funds for the Albro House, perhaps looking to a grant writer.   The committee members have made contributions.  How are funds deposited?  Looking for suggestions on ways to raise funds to complete the work or have a process for contributions.


Lou Urbano:  We need to raise funds for the Albro House, and perhaps bring it to the Board of Selectman’s meeting.   Spoke to the tear-down of the Albro House garage and the movement to make that happen. 


New Business:

Discussion on letter from the Town Administrator regarding the Albro House Shed and side Addition.  Concerns were voiced about the green space created and if it will remain so, or become additional parking.   Demo and removal thought to be no problem.


Further discussion on funding for projects like restoration of historic buildings including the West Harwich Schoolhouse.   Looking for funds from Community Preservation Committee and Suggestions made to create an article on the future warrant to address needed funding.


Move to adjourn by Gayle Carroll

2nd by Jeanne Stiener

All in favor

Motion carried 7:05 p.m.






Authorized Posting Officer:  Marie Carlson, mcarlson@town.harwich.ma.us

Recording Clerk


Adopted: June 15, 2016