Traffic Safety Committee Meeting

Event Date: 
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 10:00am


Conference Room, Harwich Police Department
United States


Traffic Safety Committee

Harwich Police Department -183 Sisson Road   First Floor Conference Room

Regular Meeting 10:00 am

June 19, 2019


*Anyone in the audience who plans to video and/or audio tape this meeting must notify the Chair prior to the start of the meeting.


1. Call to Order.  Welcome to visitors


2. Approval of minutes of :   November 20,2018


3. Correspondence:       


4. Old Business

                Updates, status, next steps

  1. Intersection at Chatham Road and Route 39
  2. Intersection of Pleasant/Miles/South streets
  3. Intersection of Route 39 and Pleasant Bay Road

d. Continued discussion on Traffic Calming measures


5. New Business

                a. Discussion on Chapter 90 funds: source of funds, how allocated to Town, who and how are

                   these funds used, who is authorized to use and how

                b. Discussion on including an item on Capital Plan:  how is it done, process

                c. Discussion on additional bike crossing signs: possible vote on 3-5 year plan

                d. Speed/Radar signs:  are these in whose budget?  Next steps?

                e. Intersection of Route 28 and Neel Road:  line of sight issue has been raised. Next steps?

                f. Discussion on mandatory inclusion of sidewalks for town renovation projects

                g . any other business that may come before the Committee


6. Next Meeting Date  to be determined





Authorized Posting Officer      Linda Cebula, Clerk


Date Posted    June 5, 2019



*Per the Attorney General’s office, the Committee may hold an open session for topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours in advance of the meeting following” New Business”. If you are deaf or hard of hearing or a person with a disability who requires accommodation contact the office of the Board of Selectmen at 508-430-7513.