Planning Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Planning Board

Town Hall, Griffin Room

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 6:30 PM



Prepared from a video recording and written notes.


Members Present: Mr. Larry Brophy, Mr. Jim Atkinson, Ms. Linda Cebula, Mr. Peter de Bakker, Mr. Joe McParland Mr. Tom Stello, and Ms. Mary Maslowski, alternate.

Members absent: Mr. Dave Harris, Mr. Allan Peterson.

Staff Present: Aly Sabatino, Town Planner.


I.  Hearings


  1. Minutes: Nov 29, 2016


Mr. Brophy moved to table the minutes and Ms. Cebula seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Review and Recommendations / Opinions: Board of Appeals Hearing - January 2017


The Planning Board rendered no comments on the upcoming cases.


  1. Create a policy for certification by the Town Clerk for failure of the Planning Board to    take timely action within 21 days to endorse a plan as approval not required.


Following a brief discussion among the members the language ‘fail’ to should be replaced with ‘does not act’.


Mr. McParland motioned to table the policy pending further review.  Seconded by Mr. Atkinson.  Motion was unanimous.


  1. Discuss priorities to accomplish in the coming year.


Member discussions focused on general housing issues and the 2016 Housing Production Plan draft, sidewalks/sidewalk funding availability, Saquatucket Harbor planning, Village zoning and Overlay Zoning changes and East Harwich feasibility of re-zoning.  Other topics included the Local Comprehensive Plan and Middle School Re-use.

Town Planner will create a summarized list and send to Board members.  Members should be prepared to report back on the prioritizing the list.


  1. January 30, 2017 presentation at joint meeting with Selectman of the Housing    Production Plan.


The joint meeting with BOS will held on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 5:45pm in the Griffin Room.



II.  Briefings and Reports


Mr. McParland gave an update on the Capital Outlay Committee and the plans for the East Harwich Fire Station. Annual Town Meeting vote will be required to set aside $300,000.


Mr. Atkinson stated that the Community Preservation Commission votes on what applications to send to the Board of Selectman. Mr. Atkinson briefed the Board on what projects had come before the Commission. 


Town Planner reported on the status of the Open Space Recreation Plan and completion of the final site inspection for 234 Queen Anne Road as being satisfactory. Ms. Sabatino reminded the members that it is time to take the Ethics exam and sign off on the Conflict of Interest form.


III.  Executive Session


Mr. McParland moved and Mr. Atkinson seconded a motion to adjourn the regular session of the Planning Board meeting and enter into Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. Ch. 30A, §21(a)(3), to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the Chair so declares – Paul Cuddy, Trustee v. Planning Board and William S. and Linda Kology, et al. – and not to return to regular session.


Vote by Roll Call:           Atkinson - affirmative

                                    de Bakker - affirmative

                                    McParland - affirmative

                                    Stello - affirmative

                                    Cebula - affirmative

                                    Maslowski - affirmative

                                    Brophy - affirmative                              

The Board voted unanimously.



Respectfully Submitted,



Aly Sabatino, Town Planner



Adopted:           February 14, 2017