Wastewater Implementation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Meeting Minutes


Town of Harwich

Wastewater Implementation Committee (WIC)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.


WIC Members: Peter de Bakker (Chair), Jeremy Gingras, Danette Gonsalves, Chris Harlow, Heinz Proft and Allin Thompson

Others: Michael MacAskill, Dan Pelletier, Charleen Greenhalgh, Noreen Donahue, Angelo LaMantia, Larry Ballantine, Jim Cheverie, Ted Nelson, Liz Dubuque, Ann Howe, Judith Underwood, Meri Ratzel, Pam Latims (sp.?) Sharon Pfleger and Max Wall.

CDM Smith: David Young


The Harwich WIC held a meeting on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at the Harwich Community Center to review and discuss issues related to the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP).


A summary of items discussed is provided below in order of the agenda.

Summary of Discussion Items:

  1. Discuss and approve WIC Minutes dated October 21, 2015.

Motion to approve minutes of October 21, 2015 was made by Allin Thompson and 2nd by Jeremy Gingras. Approved unanimously.

  1. Review CDM Smith invoice.

CDM Smith invoice in amount of $18,603.40 and progress report were discussed and approved for processing by Heinz Proft.

  1. Discuss build-out numbers for East Harwich

Peter de Bakker asked David Young to review what wastewater flow projections were being carried in the Final CWMP so that everyone understood the issue. Mr. Young noted that the same flows presented in the Draft CWMP were still being carried in the Final CWMP since no zoning changes in the Pleasant Bay watershed had been approved since that time. The East Harwich Village Center (EHVC) continues to be discussed by the planning board and other groups in town for potential zoning changes that would allow greater density development. The Draft CWMP allowed for an additional 250 residential housing units and 0.5 million square feet of commercial space over and above existing zoning which resulted in an additional 55,000 gpd of wastewater flow at buildout. Mr. Young recommended staying with this conservative flow value even though the town has not agreed on future zoning in this area. He explained that the conservative number approved in the Final CWMP will be the one used by DEP to make sure the town has regulations or zoning in place so that they do not exceed that value in order to help qualify for zero interest loans in the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program. If the town never uses that flow then they could move it to another watershed or just not utilize that capacity. If that contingency flow was taken out now and the town wanted more flow later, then it could impact the zero interest loan.

Angelo LaMantia noted that the BOS has not addressed or formally voted on any potential zoning changes for the East Harwich area. He reiterated that ultimately any zoning change would need a 2/3rd town meeting vote to approve it.

  1. Discuss status of East Harwich effluent recharge sites.

David Young reviewed the site screening process utilized in the Draft CWMP and the most recent update that resulted in identifying the two sites being considered for further evaluation: Site 114-S5 owned by the Harwich Water Department off Pleasant Bay Road and Site 52-N1-10/11 owned by the Town of Harwich west of Depot Road. At the last WIC meeting, Mr. Young was asked by the WIC to develop a scope of work and budget to conduct field work and additional groundwater modeling at these two sites to further evaluate them. That scope and budget was sent to the WIC and presented at the Capital Outlay Committee (COC) meeting on November 17, 2015 per the request of Chris Clark who revised the COC effluent recharge site purchase request to this fieldwork appropriation instead. The amount requested is $100,000.

Michael McAskill asked how the scope and budget went to the COC without input from the WIC. David Young explained it was a schedule issue and that the WIC should discuss the scope and confirm their support for the budget. The concept was addressed at the last WIC meeting when the request to CDM Smith was made to prepare a scope and budget. Peter deBakker indicated it could be formally addressed at the next WIC meeting as an agenda item.

Ted Nelson spoke on behalf of several East Harwich citizens and questioned the site screening process being utilized and specifically the use of the two sites now identified. Mr. Nelson lives near Site 114-S5 and indicated he and his neighbors were under the impression when they bought their homes that this site was to be utilized by the water department for a future well. He and others have petitioned the Water Commissioners to vote to take this site out of consideration. Allin Thompson indicated that no decisions had been made to date. Dan Pelletier indicated the water department focus for well development was now on the northwest part of town and that this site was not needed as a well site any longer. Mr. Nelson expressed additional concerns for this site including: the Eastern Box Turtle being on the site; concern for short time of groundwater travel to Pleasant Bay; concern the site is large and will become a wastewater treatment plant site in the future and concerns about the vernal pool in the site.

Other citizens expressed concern that an ocean outfall wasn’t fully evaluated. WIC members noted an outfall was considered in the Draft CWMP and was too expensive. Others thought costs should not be considered in selecting effluent recharge sites and that town meeting should decide that criterion.

Michael McAskill reminded everyone that no decisions had been made on an effluent recharge site yet and that the BOS and WIC had not decided whether to support the $100,000 for field work at this time.

  1. Feedback on letter sent to BOS regarding potential community partnerships

Peter deBakker sent a letter to the Harwich BOS endorsing their participation in potential community partnership discussions with Dennis regarding wastewater scenarios. The WIC had endorsed this concept at the last meeting. Letter had been distributed to all WIC members.

David Young indicated the Final CWMP will indicate that Harwich is pursuing discussions with Dennis and potential community partnership options for sending Harwich wastewater to a Dennis treatment facility instead of building their own at the DPW site (HR-12) in 15 years. No formal decisions need to be made immediately as Dennis is a year away from any decisions.

Charleen Greenhalgh indicated Chris Clark would be contacting Dennis representatives to begin these discussions.

  1. Feedback on letter sent to BOS regarding wastewater governance

Peter deBakker sent a letter to the BOS conveying the WIC vote (10-21-15) supporting a five member elected Water Commission to oversee the wastewater program implementation. Angelo LaMantia indicated that the letter gave a recommendation but didn’t provide any back-up or reasoning behind the recommendation. He is trying to understand that aspect as the BOS is holding discussions. Peter deBakker indicated they were following the Polaris Report recommendation and reasoning.

  1. Discuss Final CWMP schedule.

David Young indicated that CDM Smith has updated most of the document and it is undergoing final review with the intent to file the Final CWMP in late January or early February. WIC members requested an opportunity to review the revised Executive Summary.

  1. Discuss status of wastewater capital request forms.

Chris Clark, Peter deBakker, Heinz Proft and  David Young went before the Capital Outlay Committee (COC) on November 17, 2015 to review the wastewater program requests.

There are three request in for 2017. The first is $0.9 Million for the initial connection fee to the Chatham wastewater treatment plant. The second is the $2.5 Million for the first phase of design of sewers in East Harwich. Town may decide to delay this request. Third item is the $100,000 for potential field work and modeling of the effluent recharge sites in East Harwich. This is a revised request from the $250,000 request to purchase an effluent recharge site (see Item 4 above).

  1. Update on Chatham MOU

Michael MacAskill indicated Harwich is still waiting for the final costs from Chatham but feels like significant progress is being made. Harwich is reviewing the Sewer Rules and Regulations that Chatham will require Harwich to adopt. Goal is to bring the agreement with Chatham to the spring town meeting for approval.

  1. New/Old/ Other Business

About a dozen citizens who don’t normally attend the WIC meetings were in attendance tonight and they requested future meetings be held at night or televised on cable if held during the day. WIC will take under advisement.

Some of the new attendees asked questions about how the 208 Plan conducted by the Cape Cod Commission relates to the Final Harwich CWMP. They recommended that George Heufelder be invited to a future WIC meeting to discuss his work on innovative systems.

Chris Harlow discussed the idea of the town hiring a public outreach consultant to help market the wastewater program

David Young updated the WIC on the Cold Brook natural nitrogen attenuation project and indicated the fieldwork was completed including bathymetry of the irrigation pond and that the alternatives analysis had begun. A report should be available in late March or early April.

David Young contacted Bob Duncanson in Chatham to find out more information about Ann Howe’s question of use of innovative alternative systems in Chatham. Mr. Duncanson reported that Chatham has 242 I/A systems in town and they are required if a homeowner wants to add an additional bedroom over and above the one bedroom per 10,000 sq. ft of lot area requirement.


  1. Future Meeting:

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at 9:30 am in Town Hall

Adjourn 7:55 p.m.

The above minutes have been completed from notes taken by CDM Smith.  

Distribution: Attendees, WIC Members and Chris Clark



Date:         ____________________




Peter de Bakker,  Chair