Wastewater Implementation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Town of Harwich
Wastewater Implementation Committee (WIC)
November 19, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.
WIC Members: Peter de Bakker, Jeremy Gingras, Danette Gonsalves, Chris Harlow, Allin Thompson, Bob Cafarelli, and Heinz Proft.
Others: Noreen Donahue, Larry Ballantine, Chris Clark, David Spitz (arrived 10 am), David Still and Richard Gunderson
CDM Smith: David Young

The Harwich WIC held a meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at the Harwich town offices to review and discuss implementation issues related to the CWMP.


A summary of items discussed is provided below in order of the agenda.
Summary of Discussion Items:
  • Discuss and approved WIC minutes dated October 15, 2014:
WIC members had no comments on the minutes of October 15, 2014. Motion by C. Harlow and 2nd by D. Gonsalves to approve. Committee approved them unanimously.
  • Review CDM Smith Invoice:
David Young reviewed invoice (No. 48) in the amount of $15,768.93 along with a progress report (No. 49). Most of this work was related to preparing for discussions with Chatham, reviewing effluent recharge site options in Pleasant Bay watershed and reviewing the 208 Plan as it relates to Harwich.
Heinz Proft indicated he maintains a spreadsheet summarizing all the contract costs for this project.
Peter de Bakker indicated the town is requesting additional CWMP funds since the refiling has been delayed and more is being asked of CDM Smith. Requested amount is $75,000 at spring 2015 Town Meeting.
  • Draft CWMP update and MEPA/CCC Review Status by CDM Smith:
Mr. Young indicated that minimal work is ongoing as it relates to the Final CWMP and Draft EIR until the town adopts a cost recovery model. Once adopted by the BOS and other town committees, it will be summarized in the FCWMP/DEIR. The schedule for filing of the DEIR and Final CWMP with MEPA and CCC is being delayed.
  • Discuss and review comment letter on 208 Plan
David Young distributed a draft comment letter for the town to send into the CCC regarding the Draft 208 Plan. He reviewed the main comments. Committee agreed with wording and authorized Chairman to sign on behalf of town and submit it to the CCC by November 20th.
  • Discuss MOU discussion between Harwich BOS and Chatham BOS
Larry Ballantine indicated the October 22nd meeting with Chatham went well and that a subcommittee for each will meet to further develop a working MOU. The Harwich BOS need to meet to develop policy guidelines to give the subcommittee. Overall progress is being made.
  • Identify East Harwich recharge site status and discuss method of acquisition:
David Young distributed a memo which provided an overview of the history of work done in the Pleasant Bay watershed area and provided details on the two sites currently being considered. After much discussion the following motion was made by A. Thompson and 2nd by C. Harlow:
To accept the CDM Smith Memo dated November 17, 2014 and associated reports (Draft Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), Hydrogeolocial Study of Harwich Effluent Recharge Sites, etc.) that define the critical need and public necessity and to request the Harwich Board of Selectmen to formally pursue acquisition of the Judah Elddredge site (B) for treatment and effluent recharge use by the town as a first priority and if required the Paul Cuddy site (A) as a second priority.
Motion passed unanimously. Next step is to present this request to the Real Estate and Open Space Committee who has a formal process for acquisitions. Peter de Bakker is meeting with them this Friday (11/21) to discuss. Chris Clark will begin the investigation process into formally acquiring land with an unknown owner.
  • Status Update of Cold Brook Attenuation Project:
Flow metering and sampling continues at the Bank Street bogs where Cold Brook flows through. Sampling frequency is reduced during the winter months. Town Meeting article for second phase funding ($50,000) is being submitted. Early next year a meeting with Harwich Conservation Trust will be set up to keep both parties updated.
  • Muddy Creek Project Update:
Bob Cafarelli indicated results from a recently completed scour analysis will require larger bridge abutments which adds more costs. Construction start in fall 2015 is still on schedule.
  • Update on CCC Outreach and Publicity Plan:
David Still from the Cape Cod Commission attended the meeting and discussed some outreach options for Harwich to consider. He indicated that Harwich is in a unique position due to where they are in the CWMP approval process.
David Young asked if the CCC education piece “Nitrogen & The Natural Environment” could be modified to be used as a newspaper insert for a Harwich paper. CCC could use that as a test case for the Cape. It is good educational material and could be used elsewhere on Cape if deemed successful. David Still will investigate this option and what CCC could do to assist. In meantime Heinz Proft will have this info added to the towns website.
Danette Gonsalves will investigate lead times and costs for doing stuffers in tax bills or water bills and report back at next meeting.
Town’s website coordinator, Foster Banford, will be invited to the next WIC meeting to discuss updates that can be done to the website. Some suggested creating a wastewater only site/ link off of the town web page and others suggested developing a way for people to send in emailed questions asking wastewater program related questions.
  • Discuss potential cost recovery scenarios
Larry Ballantine developed several potential cost recovery scenarios and would like the WIC to discuss them and come back with some input or a recommendation. He will use that feedback to then bring a scenario before the BOS so the town can begin to develop a cost recovery model. This will be the main focus of the next WIC.
  • Summary of meeting with Capital Outlay Committee (COC)on November 18th
Five articles for next spring annual town meeting were presented as well as future requests out to 2019. COC agreed more public outreach is needed so residents understand these requests will be coming.
  • Discuss Spring Annual Town Meeting Wastewater Articles:
Several articles are being proposed for the annual town meeting and include:
  • Additional funding for Muddy Creek bridge project.
  • Second phase funds for Cold Brook natural nitrogen attenuation project ($50,000)
  • Funds to acquire the Pleasant Bay watershed effluent recharge site
  • Additional CWMP implementation funds ($75,000)
  • Potential first phase of sewer design funds for East Harwich ($2,500,000)
  • Collaborative Update (Larry Ballantine):
Nothing new to update. Focus has been on 208 Plan
  • Other/ New Business:
Peter de Bakker is reviewing the status of the Harwich WIC related website postings and will invite Foster Banford to the next WIC meeting.
Town is going through the process of requesting CPA funds for the Hinckleys Pond restoration. Several people involved but Heinz Proft and Chris Clark will present the project to the CPA committee next Thursday (11/20).
Allin Thompson urged that a workshop be held between the WIC, BOS, COC and Finance Committee to discuss the cost recovery plan for the wastewater program.
Richard Gunderson recommended that the town committees develop a “draft cost recovery model” but then hold a workshop with the ten key town meeting members to seek their input and hopefully gain their support down the road.
  • Future Meeting:
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.
Adjourn 11:45 a.m.
The above minutes have been completed from notes taken by CDM Smith.  
Distribution: Attendees, WIC Members and Chris Clark
Date:   ____________________


__________________________                      ____________________
Peter de Bakker, Chair                          Allin Thompson, Clerk