Wastewater Implementation Committee Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Meeting Minutes


Town of Harwich

Wastewater Implementation Committee (WIC)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.


WIC Members: Peter de Bakker (Chair), Jeremy Gingras, Allin Thompson and Heinz Proft.

Others: Michael MacAskill, Larry Ballantine, Dan Pelletier, Liz Dubuque and Ann Howe

CDM Smith: David Young


The Harwich WIC held a meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at the Harwich town offices to review and discuss issues related to the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP).


A summary of items discussed is provided below in order of the agenda.

Summary of Discussion Items:

  1. Discuss and approve WIC Minutes dated July 15, 2015 and Summary of August 26, 2015.

Minutes of July 15, 2015 were approved unanimously.

Summary of August 26, 2015 was approved unanimously (with revised typo).

  1. Review CDM Smith invoice.

There was no CDM Smith invoice this month.

  1. Discuss status of new East Harwich effluent recharge sites.

David Young distributed a table which summarized the 28 sites that the subgroup had identified and figures showing their locations. He then went through and discussed the status of each site. It was recommended that sites in Zones of Contribution (ZOC) to municipal wells be dropped even if only a portion of the site was within a ZOC.

Four sites remained under consideration after the review.

  1. 52-N1-10/11
  2. 75-J3-6
  3. 34-N5-7
  4. 114-S5

Of these four sites, #1 and #4 were recommended and voted by the WIC to be considered for further study by the subgroup. Site #1 is under the control of the Selectmen and Site #4 is owned by the Water Department. Goal is to have further analysis available at the next meeting so a recommendation to the Selectmen can be made soon.

  1. Discuss Final CWMP schedule.

Michael MacAskill indicated that the Selectmen have approved the Final CWMP to be filed when ready. David Young indicated the cost recovery model section is being written, other sections updated, the 208 Plan summary added and response to comments on the Draft CWMP finalized. Goal is to file the Final this fall.

  1. Wastewater capital request forms status.

Chris Clark asked David Young to assist with filling out the Capital Outlay Committee (COC) request forms for the wastewater program again this year. The forms are due on September 24th and Mr. Young will send around the summary of the requests once everything is submitted. The requests essentially follow the tables in the CWMP.

  1. Summarize TMDLs Public Hearing.

The Department of Environmental Protection held a public hearing on the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Herring River Watershed and Allen, Wychmere and Saquatucket Watersheds on August 26th, Public comments are due September 30th. The hearing essentially just reviewed the information presented in the Massachusetts Estuaries Project (MEP) reports. Few attended the hearing. Pleasant Bay had a TMDL issued back in 2007.

  1. Harwich website updates/ public outreach/ WIC actions.

Committee members reviewed the outreach discussions from the August meeting and the suggestions put forth from residents who attended that meeting. Goal for now is to make sure information is accurate on the website, review and update the frequently asked questions (update questions) and start process for next education handout.

  1. Update on Chatham MOU

Michael MacAskill indicated the next meeting will take place on October 14, 2015.

  1. New/Old/ Other Business

Larry Ballantine reminded all that the town will need to certify in June 2016 to the Cape Cod Commission as part of their 208 Plan update that they are following their CWMP schedule and what they anticipate is their plan for each watershed. Each Cape community needs to do that by watershed.

Michael MacAskill as the WIC to discuss at their next meeting the different forms of wastewater program governance as the town needs to decide where that wastewater program/ department will reside. Water department had a study done on this topic a couple years ago. It will be sent around again to the WIC members. Ultimately he would like the WIC to make a recommendation to the Selectmen. The Water Commissioners recently recommended a Water and Sewer Department be formed and overseen by five commissioners.

Peter de Bakker also indicated he wants to stay on the WIC but for several personal reasons he needs to step down as the Chairman. He asked each WIC member to consider whether they would like to become the Chair and this topic will be addressed at the next meeting.

  1. Future Meeting:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Adjourn 11:30 a.m.

The above minutes have been completed from notes taken by CDM Smith.  

Distribution: Attendees, WIC Members and Chris Clark



Date:         ____________________




Peter de Bakker,  Chair