Wastewater Implementation Committee Meeting Minutes 10/15/2014

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Meeting Minutes


Town of Harwich

Wastewater Implementation Committee (WIC)

October 15, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.


WIC Members: Peter de Bakker, Jeremy Gingras, Danette Gonsalves, Chris Harlow, Allin Thompson, Bob Cafarelli, and Heinz Proft.

Others: Noreen Donahue, Larry Ballantine, Paul Cuddy, David Spitz, Chris Clark, David Still and Richard Gunderson

CDM Smith: David Young


The Harwich WIC held a meeting on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at the Harwich town offices to review implementation issues related to the CWMP.


A summary of items discussed is provided below in order of the agenda.

Summary of Discussion Items:

1.Introductions of New WIC Members:

This was the second meeting of the newly formed WIC and first one with all members present/ appointed. All attendees introduced themselves.

2.Discuss Highlights of BOS Approved Mission for the WIC:

WIC Mission Statement was distributed and briefly discussed. In essence WIC is to provide input and guidance on wastewater issues in an advisory role to the Town Administrator.

3.Discuss Highlights of Presentation by CDM Smith and Attorney Giorgio to BOS:

John Giorgio and David Young presented an overview of wastewater related items to the BOS on September 29th. Items included the proposed Special Legislation which will revise the town charter to make the BOS the Water and Sewer Commissioners, an overview of the discussion items with Chatham to develop an IMA, a brief discussion of the recent Legislation passed allowing communities to adopt up to a 3% tax assessment to be placed in a Municipal Water Infrastructure Investment Fund dedicated for water, wastewater or stormwater only projects and discussion of potential Spring 2015 town meeting articles.

4.Discuss / Approve Unapproved Meeting Minutes from the WQTF:

Those in attendance had no comments on the WQMTF minutes of June 18, 2014. Committee approved them unanimously.

  1. Review CDM Smith Invoice:

David Young reviewed invoice (No. 47) in the amount of $4,051.71 along with a progress report (No. 48). Most of this work was related to preparing for discussions with Chatham and reviewing the 208 Plan as it relates to Harwich.

  1. Draft CWMP update and MEPA/CCC Review Status by CDM Smith:

Mr. Young indicated that minimal work is ongoing as it relates to the Final CWMP and Draft EIR until the town adopts a cost recovery model. Once adopted by the BOS and town, it will be summarized in the FCWMP/DEIR. The schedule for filing of the DEIR and Final CWMP with MEPA and CCC is being delayed.

Larry Ballantine indicated the BOS will be taking up the cost recovery issue by year end. He also indicated the FCWMP will need to be revised slightly to focus on adaptive management first and structural solutions second. He believes all the information is in the current plan and that the recommended plan is not likely to change.

  1. Discuss the Acquisition of the East Harwich Recharge Site:

David Young provided an overview of the history of work done at the East Harwich effluent recharge site known as PB-3. The town has invested time and money in a privately owned site in that area. All efforts have been coordinated with the homeowner who has been up to this point very willing to work with the town. The effluent to be recharge would be highly treated at the Chatham wastewater treatment plant and Harwich has decided no treatment facilities would be located at this site. The town has asked the land owner to specify the 10 acre parcel(s) he is willing to sell the town. Paul Cuddy, the land owner, indicated his legal partner continues to have health issues and thus he cannot identify a parcel in the near future. He recommended a different parcel off Seth Whitfield Road that he does not own be considered by the town at this time.

Consensus of WIC was that town needs to move forward with this site acquisition at the Spring 2015 town meeting. A place holder article should be submitted in December. Further evaluations of potential sites should continue and eminent domain may be required.

Noreen Donahue reminded all that the site was in the Six Ponds District and thought there was a zoning issue. David Young indicated that in discussions with John Idman at the CCC he indicated a town meeting article would be required to clarify that a wastewater/ effluent recharge was an allowed municipal use in that District. Need to clarify and submit an article for town meeting.

  1. Status Update of Cold Brook Attenuation Project:

Flow metering and sampling continues at the Bank Street bogs where Cold Brook flows through. Town Meeting article for second phase funding needs to be submitted.

  1. Muddy Creek Project Update:

Construction pushed to Fall 2015. Concern for original $3.5 M project now projected to be $5.9M to address MassDOT changes. Currently only $5.1 M available. Will need a town meeting article to fund the delta.

  1. Update on CCC Outreach and Publicity Plan:

David Still from the Cape Cod Commission attended the meeting and provided some education materials on “Nitrogen & The Natural Environment” and some ideas for Harwich Short Term Actions. This is a follow-up to previous meetings with CCC staff on how they could work with Harwich on public outreach. WIC members suggested mail stuffers or newspaper inserts could be useful tools to help educate the public. Chris Harlow described his theory of the four public groups (Ambassadors, fence sitters, Un-informed naysayers and knowledgeable opponents) and how certain groups should be targeted. He believes Harwich should develop a dedicated Public Outreach Committee to tackle this task. David Still added that Harwich may want to consider using a 3rd party facilitator who can make sure all opinions are heard and issues addressed.

Mr. Still will develop a scope of services based on this discussion and determine if there are any CCC dollars available to help assist Harwich in this effort.

  1. Discuss Spring Annual Town Meeting Wastewater Articles:

Several articles discussed in items above. Two other articles to be considered include 1.) additional funds for CDM Smith to complete the FCWMP implementation particularly with the delay in refiling and 2.) the first phase of sewer system design funds for the East Harwich/ Pleasant Bay Watershed area – Chris Clark has asked CDM Smith for that cost.

  1. Collaborative Update (Larry Ballantine):

Nothing new. Focus has been on 208 Plan

  1. Other/ New Business:

Peter de Bakker is reviewing the status of the Harwich WIC related website postings and will have the link to the CCC 208 Plan added.

Approved WIC Minutes of 9-11-14 as amended (corrected date). Unanimous vote.

  1. Future Meeting:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.

Adjourn 11:55 a.m.

The above minutes have been completed from notes taken by CDM Smith.  

Distribution: Attendees, WIC Members and Chris Clark



Date:         ____________________



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Peter de Bakker, Chair                                         Allin Thompson, Clerk